
Assessement Center

The Assessment Center is a standardized method for evaluating the competence of participants (skills, abilities, knowledge), which involves the integration of different types of information from different sources:

The Assessment Center takes into consideration simultaneous dimensions; An Assessment Center program is based on a set of well defined dimensions, criteria or competencies
It is used a set of tools for a complete and objective evaluation of participants’ attributes and abilities:

  • tests
  • questionnaire
  • situational exercises, simulations
  • experimental activities
  • focus group


  • Evaluare abilitati de leadership
  • Evaluare talent pool din companii
  • Evaluare la finalul procesului de selectie
  • Evaluare 360
  • Identificare si customizare nevoi de training

Assessment Center Process - Stages

Depending on the specific professional skills for each position will be used the following licensed tools:




cohesion and co-operation. Users find Belbin Co-operate an invaluable tool in conducting assessment centers, since it highlights individuals' natural behavior within a short period of time.

When it comes to teamwork, the more dominant team members come to the fore and try to stamp their authority on the team effort. Invariably this means that certain individuals are ignored or shouted down, whilst others take little interest in the team outcome. Such antagonism in the team often results in failure. Co-operate uses three action-oriented exercises to illustrate the benefits of team work and overcome some of the most common problems in teams. 

  • Team Build calls for self-sacrifice. The team is asked to complete a series of shapes on different boards, exchanging pieces as they go, without being able to see each other’s boards. Ultimately, the exercise can only be completed if they sacrifice short-term, individual goals for the sake of the team’s achievements.
  • Team Rescue calls for good communication. The team is required to form a strategy to defuse a “bomb” within a short timeframe. They must listen for the input of other team members and decide who will be actively involved in the operation.
  • Team Write calls for team harmonization. This exercise is only possible if the team pulls together to work as one. The team must control the writing apparatus supplied to maneuver a pen and draw different shapes.




The CAS++ is an evaluation platform that is built around two components: individual psychological assessment and evaluation and selection processes.

CAS++ evaluation platform is accredited by the College of Psychologists in Romania, and includes 40 tests for the age group 12-60 years, in the following categories:

  • Tools for describing and modifying the psychological requirements of the job opportunities
  • cognitive skills assessment tests
  • Personality Inventory
  • Questionnaires to assess the professional interests
  • Job-person matching tools
  • Tools ranking person-person for a particular job





Is a complete pack of experiential activities, which aims to offer facilitators' flexibility and participants with a wide range of learning opportunities. This instrument is a very useful tool for Assessment Centers, in the following areas:

  • Team Work – 1st Level
  • Team Work – 2nd Level
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Business Priorities
  • Performance Management





MTa Select is a package of practical Assessment Center tools and activities designed to become part of an integrated approach to assessment within any organisation. It is inherently flexible and offers a range of options so it can be used within a wide range of organisations, functions, career tracks and individuals.

Its practical assessment activities provide opportunities for:

  • Participants to demonstrate specific skills and competencies
  • Assessors to observe participants whilst they work


By using a wide range of assessment and development activties, MTa Select offers the possibility to evaluate over 100 defining qualities (mental aptitudes, behaviours and attitudes).




The Mars Surface Rover – Team Version is an interactive Training and Team Building game that ideally demonstrates the truth of this quote via a two-part, hands-on team building exercise.

Learning Outcomes

The primary goals of this activity are for participants to:

  • gain a clear understanding of the distinction between a team and group
  • understand how their responsibilities are interdependent with those of their teammates
  • realize the importance of continual communication within the team.


This two-part training activity allows participants to experience first-hand the differences in efficiency, performance, and results when groups of people actually work together as a team. This hands-on game will help foster a supportive environment that values interdependence, common goals, continuous interaction and diversity of skills.

MARS SURFACE ROVER - Leadership Version

MARS SURFACE ROVER - Leadership Version

MARS SURFACE ROVER - Leadership Version

Mars Surface Rover – Leadership Version is an educational activity which shows in a very convincing way the impact that different leadership styles have both on leaders and on those who are being controlled by them. This method requires teamwork under the strict supervision of the team leaders that will be obliged to build a miniature power craft appointed to walk on Mars.

The purpose of this activity is to establish the benefits of the facilitative leadership style and the main disadvantages of the traditional and passive styles. This practice is best suited both for people who were recently promoted and for experienced people that are either coordinating many teams or trying to enhance their leadership skills.

SUPPLY CHAIN - Networking

SUPPLY CHAIN - Networking

SUPPLY CHAIN - Networking

Supply chain represents a license tool that contains two unique and attractive activities: Networking and Source or Sink. These tools can be applied to teams of 6 to 12 persons, covering the following themes:

  • Communication within an organizational network;
  • Dynamic of a network;
  • Carrying out individual goals versus mutual goals;
  • Improving working relationships with the client.


SUPPLY CHAIN - Source or Sink

SUPPLY CHAIN - Source or Sink

SUPPLY CHAIN - Source or Sink

Within 45 minutes or maximum an hour, the participants will enter a network made from belts and ropes, a network that aims to look like the structure of an organization or a project team. Three roles can be played in order to accomplish the tasks: inside participant, supplier and assessor.

This activity represents an answer to the activity of producing a piece for the client. The member of the team that plays the part of the supplier will be the organizational cell that will maintain the relation with the clients and will understand their expectations. The clients will be able to communicate using a set of rules. The assessors will stay outside the network and will observe the necessary operations for finalizing the production. At the end of the activity they will offer feedback regarding the efficiency and the organization of the process within the network.

COMPACT CASE STUDIES - HRDQ - Research and Development Team

COMPACT CASE STUDIES - HRDQ - Research and Development Team

COMPACT CASE STUDIES - HRDQ - Research and Development Team

One of the most versatile devices for organizational learning is the case study. By definition, a compact case is a brief description of a typical organizational situation that requires change and improvement.

Compact cases can help initiate the process of learning how to deal with a variety of organizational processes. By first reading about the situation and then sharing reactions to it, participants become aware of important issues and the various perspectives they already have about them.

Some cases include opportunities for role-playing, goal setting and further critical reflection.

CPI 260

CPI 260

CPI 260

The test has been conceived in order to emphasize the persons personality and behavioral characteristics. The test offers an accurate and complex view over the candidates’ personal and professional style. It helps identify the future success employees, improves the coordinator’s activity, and promotes team-work by testing characteristics such as: leadership, work-oriented attitude, coordinating activities and creativity.

GAMA TEST (General Ability Measure for Adults)

GAMA TEST (General Ability Measure for Adults)

GAMA TEST (General Ability Measure for Adults)

The GAMA test (General Ability Measure for Adults), an assessment from NCS, is a brief, self-administered, nonverbal measure of intelligence to use in any situation that requires an assessment of general ability using nonverbal means. It is also designed to be accessible to a wide variety of people with diverse cultural, language, and educational backgrounds.

MLQ (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire)

MLQ (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire)

MLQ (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire)

MLQ (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire) este un instrument psihometric, validat intr-o mare varietate de programe de cercetare, ce ajuta la întelegerea acelor atitudini si comportamente tipice pentru persoana evaluata, care tin de dimensiuni-cheie ale stilului sau de leadership.

Chestionarul Multifactorial de Leadership (MLQ) este o masura structurata, verbala, omnibus, a unor stiluri de leadership. Chestionarul consta din 45 de itemi, grupati într-un numar de scale care acopera intreaga gama a modelul leadershipului complet (''Full Range Leadership''). MLQ este standardul international in evaluarea celebrului concept de Leadership Transformational.

NEO PI-R (NEO Personality Inventory, Revised)

NEO PI-R (NEO Personality Inventory, Revised)

NEO PI-R (NEO Personality Inventory, Revised)

NEO PI-R (NEO Personality Inventory, Revised) este considerat cel mai celebru chestionar de personalitate existent la acest moment.

Raportul bazat pe NEO PI-R este unul de dezvoltare a competentelor si abilitatilor de leadership si contine patru sectiuni distincte. Primele trei sectiuni descriu comportamentul de leadership al persoanei evaluate, iar a patra sectiune traseaza punctele principale ale unui plan de dezvoltare personala, centrat pe competentele si abilitatile de leadership discutate in primele trei sectiuni.

Primary Technical Support with Greek, location: Bucharest

Primary Technical Support with Greek, location: Bucharest

Primary Technical Support with Greek, location: Bucharest

SALES CONSULTING is a human resources company with national coverage on three main domains: recruitment and selection, assessment center and personnel leasing. For more information you can visit our website:

Our client is a global specialist in energy management with operations in more than 100 countries, offering integrated solutions across multiple market segments, including leadership positions in energy and infrastructure, industrial processes, building automation, and data centres/networks, as well as a broad presence in residential applications. (


Main responsibilities

Providing technical support pre-sales (product selection, application information) and post-sales (product installation, technical characteristics, technical complaints) telephone and electronic to SE customers and partners
Taking the ownership and ensure the customer is satisfied before closing the request

Answering incoming telephone calls, e-mails, web based tickets and prioritizing customer’s support needs

Issuing quotations in accordance with customer requests and required standards: cross references, configuration, mix of products in cooperation with countries representatives

Providing support to the customers for product replacement, troubleshooting and technical complaints

Completing documentation and follow up on all commitments and customer details

Actively creating/modifying knowledge database and review FAQ’s



Education: Bachelor’s /Master’s degree in a Technical University (Electrical Engineering)

Very good electrical knowledge

Fluency required in Greece and English

Previous work experience is an advantage (technical support/ call-center)

Demonstrate a flair & understanding of customer support issues

Demonstrate flexibility and the ability to learn quickly

Excellent problem solving abilities

Aptitude to understand and explain technical information

Excellent interpersonal, communication and time management skills